====== Puppet ====== * [[http://xiaopei.li/wiki/doku.php?id=it:puppet&s%5B%5D=puppet | Xiaopei Li's wiki page]] * [[http://wiki.m371n.org/doku.php?id=operation_maintenance:puppet:start&s%5B%5D=puppet | Merlin Dou's wiki page]] * [[https://puppetlabs.com/ | Official site]] * [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/ | Official references]] * [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/ral.html | Learning Puppet — Resources and the RAL]] * [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/faq.html | Official FAQ]] ===== facter ===== * [[http://kisspuppet.com/2014/03/30/puppet_learning_base10/| 自定义fact实现的四种方式介绍]] ==== Learning Puppet 笔记 ==== === Resources and the RAL === * ** Resources**: Imagine a system’s configuration as a collection of many independent atomic units; call them “resources.” * 资源可分类 * 资源类型描述抽离于它的具体操作步骤 * Puppet 指定资源的期望状态,而不是直接指定具体操作 * 以上三点组成 Puppet 的资源抽象层 (RAL), RAL 包括 **types**(高级别抽象模型) 和 **providers**(平台相关实现),这样可以使用平台无关的方式来描述资源得期望状态。 * 每个资源(Resource )的描述包括: **resource type**, one** title**, a number of **attributes**, each attribute has a **value** user { 'dave': ensure => present, uid => '507', gid => 'admin', shell => '/bin/ksh', home => '/home/dave', managehome => true, } This syntax is called a **resource declaration** * Resource Types : [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet_core_types_cheatsheet.pdf | puppet_core_types_cheatsheet.pdf]], [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html|the type references]] * ''puppet describe'' : The ''puppet describe'' subcommand can list info about// the currently installed resource types// on a given machine. * ''puppet resource'': Puppet includes a command called ''puppet resource'', which can interactively inspect and modify resources on a single system. Usage: # puppet resource [] [ATTRIBUTE=VALUE ...] === Manifests === * ''.pp'': Puppet programs are called “manifests,” and they use the ''.pp'' file extension. * 完整语法链接:[[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_resources.html| lang resources]] * 大括号,冒号,逗号要正确 * 大小写敏感。 类型(type)和属性(attributes)名必须小写 * 字符串值的书写: [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_datatypes.html| datatypes]] * All types have a special attribute called the **namevar**, 该属性缺失就默认以** title** 替代 * Before being applied, manifests get compiled into a document called a **catalog** * ''puppet apply <.pp file >'' * **Puppet agent/master** === Resource Ordering === * You can embed relationship information in a resource with the ''before'', ''require'', ''notify'', and ''subscribe'' metaparameters. * You can also declare relationships outside a resource with the ''->'' and ''~>'' chaining arrows. * Relationships can be either ordering (this before that) or ordering-with-notification (this before that, and tell that whether this was changed). * Puppet’s relationship behaviors and syntaxes are documented in[[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_relationships.html| the Puppet reference manual page on relationships]]. * The ''ordering'' setting in ''puppet.conf'' determines the order in which unrelated resources are applied. === Variables, Conditionals, and Facts === * Variables: 语法类似 php, 但实际是常量,只能被赋值一次, 不能修改。 * Conditionals: ''if'', ''elseif'', ''else'', ''case'',''default'' * Puppet has a bunch of built-in, pre-assigned variables that you can use. * Facts: [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_variables.html#facts-and-built-in-variables|facts]] ,Puppet uses a tool called Facter, which discovers some system information, normalizes it into a set of variables, and passes them off to Puppet. Puppet’s compiler then has access to those facts when it’s reading a manifest. * [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/facter/latest/core_facts.html|List of core facts]] * [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/facter/latest/custom_facts.html|The custom facts guild]] === Modules and Classes === * Classes are named blocks of Puppet code, which can be created in one place and invoked elsewhere. * Puppet 的 class 更像是宏, 但拥有变量域。 * ''include '' 来起作用。 * Modules: * Modules are just directories with files, arranged in a specific, predictable structure. The manifest files within a module have to obey certain naming restrictions. * Puppet looks for modules in a specific place (or list of places). This set of directories is known as the ''modulepath'', which is a [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/configuration.html#modulepath|configurable setting]] * If a class is defined in a module, you can declare that class by name in //any manifest//. Puppet will automatically find and load the manifest that contains the class definition. * 一个 module 就是一个路径, 模块名就是路径名 * module layout: 模块包含子文件夹''manifests'',''files'',''templates''等等, 详看[[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/modules_fundamentals.html| a page of info about module layout]] 以及 [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/module_cheat_sheet.pdf| module cheat sheet]]. * module 静态文件(''files/''下)的引用格式: puppet:///modules/模块名/文件名(可包括files下的子路径)例如:puppet:///modules/ntp/config_files/linux/ntp.conf.el引用''ntp''模块下的''files/config_files/linux/ntp.conf.el''文件. * **puppet.conf**: The Puppet config file is called **puppet.conf**, and in Puppet Enterprise it is located at ''/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf'' * The format of **puppet.conf** is explained in [[https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/config_file_main.html|the configuration docs]] * [[http://forge.puppetlabs.com/|Puppet Forge]]: 模块仓库. 使用方式:install module:$ sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-mysql//forge 里模块名有用户名前缀 List all installed modules:$ sudo puppet module list === Templates === * Templates are saved as files with the ''.erb'' extension. and be stored in the ''templates/'' directory of any module. There can be any number of subdirectories inside ''templates/''. * Use a template by the function ''template'': file {'/etc/foo.conf': ensure => file, require => Package['foo'], content => template('foo/foo.conf.erb'), }''template''参数格式为''/''. * Use a template by the function ''inline_template''